In The Stillness...

I have been the type of person that was scared to be quiet and still for a few minutes. Whenever it got quiet I would freak out because my mind had the chance to run wild on all these thoughts and emotions. I would create this anxious environment. In order to prevent myself from sitting in complete silence I would consume myself with things to do. I never gave myself time to be still because the thought of letting all my unhealthy/negative thoughts consume me was more than enough.

Within the last couple months, I’ve learned it’s okay to be surrounded by stillness. It’s not bad the way we make it out to be. I had the opportunity where the world felt like it stopped, and there I sat quietly. I smiled when I realized how it was soothing to my heart and mind. Allowing myself to have quiet time was something that my heart longed for, and I never paid much attention. I learned that sometimes that’s the way God works…in the stillness. He speaks to us when we learn to be still rather than running being consumed by the noise.

Even Jesus would separate himself from the noise and go off somewhere by himself to talk to God and recollect himself. I feel like sometimes we could use that. We become so consumed with life that we forget to have more of those quiet moments with God. I encourage you to have a few more quiet moments and see where that takes you. You don't have to tell God anything, just close your eyes and open your heart to receive the words that God may place on your heart.

God shows up in ways that we can never imagine when we decide for one moment to be still.


Gracious & Abounding


Broken yet Beautiful