Give God the Little that You Have
I was having a conversation in the car a few weeks back with someone very close to me and I was discussing some insecurities I was having when it came to the things that I was involved in. I, in a sense, kept selling myself short. And that night felt like divine intervention. This person (who for the sake of this blog, we will call “J” ) basically told me that God works with the little that we have.
God isn’t expecting you to come all ready, dressed in expensive clothing, with the nicest car and biggest house, and most income. He wants you to COME AS YOU ARE. God rather have the raw version of you, instead of the version that you show off to other people. That night, “J” and I had the conversation, I felt a sense of peace wash over me, because it was God telling me that what I had, HE CAN USE!
A week before, I was having a conversation with my mom and I was telling her how I felt like I wasn’t cut out for what I was doing...I didn’t feel like I was being involved as much and I couldn’t stop telling myself, “Maybe I’m in over my head for thinking I could be apart of something like this.” I felt inadequate. My mom told me right after that God wants to work with the little that I have. He wants me to feel inadequate, so that he can work through me, to allow me to feel ADEQUATE.
God wants you to feel like you can’t go through anymore, so he can be the STRENGTH that you need him to be. God wants you to feel hopeless, so he can be the HOPE that you need. God wants the real you, the real you that you may not like for certain reasons, the real you that you wish acted or looked different. He wants that you, because he’s a God that can bring beauty from the ashes. He’s the God that can transform you from the inside out. He’s the God that can move your biggest mountain. He’s the God that can do all! You can’t sell yourself short...God can use the smallest things about you and make them into something big and great. There’s a story in the bible about feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish! It’s found in Mark 6:30-52. In this story, Jesus tells his disciples to feed 5,000 people with what they had...5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. I’m sure the disciples looked at Jesus like he was crazy for thinking that amount would actually cover everyone. In the end of the story in Mark 6:43- 44, it says “And the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of men who had eaten was five thousand.” (NIV)
I had never realized the deep meaning this story had to me until recently. Jesus worked with the little amount of food that was found and it fed everyone with leftovers included!! To add to it, the disciples even felt like they couldn’t feed that many with so little, because it seemed impossible. I know I’ve been there where I saw myself and my circumstance and saw that I could never measure up. But that's when Jesus took the little and multiplied it! What little have you been holding back from God? Jesus did it then and he can do it again with you! Give him the little you have and you might just be surprised at what you see. The disciples definitely were!!