In the Waiting

 As I sit here in an auditorium waiting for the person in charge to come in and tell me if jury duty is still going to happen or not, I started to think about something I’ve struggled with...WAITING. I havent met anyone yet, who loves to patiently wait! It’s a funny thing though, that when we walk with God, there are seasons of waiting. It‘s in these seasons that cause us to start asking “is it worth it?”. Truth be told, although you can’t see the whole picture at the moment...understand that God knows what he is doing. It’s hard, no one said waiting for something your heart desires is easy. Don‘t lose sight of God’s timing and the special plans he has for you. Think of your season of waiting as a time for you to grow and truly find yourself.

God allows this waiting period for you to get ready for what’s to come. I always felt like God had forgotten about me when I had seasons like this. I can promise you that he hasn’t forgotten and trust that when he knows your ready, whatever you have been waiting for, will come to pass. Let yourself grow into the person He has created us to be. It’s like that saying goes, “good things come to those who wait“. So I encourage you, if you are entering or currently in a season of is worth the wait. God will allow things to come as he sees it best. Don’t think he forgot, he hears you but he wants you to be ready!


The Best is Yet to Come


Keep Going...